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The open source sociology project (OSS). This will be the beginning of a growing network of sociology, anthropology students, teachers and thinkers. The intent is to decentralize academia and the professional circles, and bring the knowledge to everyone. The "open source" source philosophy is embodied here. As the world changes and becomes decentralized and "open," so too should its thinkers, philosophers and social scientists!
A place to share ideas
A place to find like-minded anthropologists
A place to collaborate
A place to hold virtual conferences
A place to host podcasts
A place to ask questions
A place to learn about new tools for anthropology (online tools, field tools, etc.)
A place to find resources (e.g. databases, good grad programs, upcoming colloquia, software, field opportunities)
A place to publish
The idea of an engaged anthropology for the 21st century in relation to the digital revolution
Group blog with posts from both Keith and others
Forum for discussion
Online press to publish longer pieces
The incorporation of Twitter, social bookmarking, wiki, etc
What is a wave?
A wave is equal parts conversation and document. People can communicate and work together with richly formatted text, photos, videos, maps, and more.
A wave is shared. Any participant can reply anywhere in the message, edit the content and add participants at any point in the process. Then playback lets anyone rewind the wave to see who said what and when.
A wave is live. With live transmission as you type, participants on a wave can have faster conversations, see edits and interact with extensions in real-time.
"I believe that the world needs public sociology - a sociology that transcends the academy - more than ever. Our potential publics are multiple, ranging from media audiences to policy makers, from silenced minorities to social movements. They are local, global, and national. As public sociology stimulates debate in all these contexts, it inspires and revitalizes our discipline. In return, theory and research give legitimacy, direction, and substance to public sociology. Teaching is equally central to public sociology: students are our first public for they carry sociology into all walks of life. Finally, the critical imagination, exposing the gap between what is and what could be, infuses values into public sociology to remind us that the world could be different." -Michael Buroway