Saturday, July 11, 2009

Sociology Talk?

With OSS slowly growing into a healthy, chatting community, I'd like to raise a general idea:

Aside from blogging, posting links, sharing knowledge and making great discussions in the threads, what else could we do?

One idea that came to mind was a virtual conference, a "sociology talk," where anyone could hop on for weekly or monthly chats via skype, or internet radio. We could choose a few topics and create discussions that people can listen to live, or hear later, when we post it up on OSS.

V-Blogging, or video blogging, or any form of audio conference is a great idea. Some examples of what's already out there:

Creating such a project, as a sub-project of OSS, would be a great and creative way for people to get more involved. I can take some initiate with this and see where it goes. If you're interested, by all means check out OSS groups for updates, or message/email me directly.

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